The classic Quescrem Cream Cheese regular has a natural mild flavor, and made especially for the food manufacture industry, so you can be assured that its quality is topnotch, and will get you great results every time.
It has a creamy and smooth texture, and is stable and firm, but still soft. And of course, it’s delicious—tangy and fresh.
With a wonderful spreadable consistency, use it for your bagels, toasts, and crackers. This is the ideal cream cheese to use to make that absolute perfect cheesecake that won’t crack. It’s also great for silky stable mousses. It has a good fat/protein balance for great ice creams, and makes for delicious and thick creamy sauces.
Founded only in 2006, Quescrem seems like such a youngling in the industry, and yet, they’ve already made a name for themselves. From Galicia, Spain, it started with an idea of making cream cheese using traditional production techniques in making Cebreiro cheese (a traditional Galician cheese) with buttermilk as an ingredient. It was a struggle, being new in well-established and very traditional industries—cheese and dairy. But they found their footing after winning several awards that same year, and became the first Galician cream cheese on the market.
From there, they’ve had success after success. In 2010, they made their first contact with the international community, and the year after, launched the first of their “industrial use” line of products. In 2014, they added fresh cheeses to their product line, and in 2018, opened their second production facility. Quescrem is only 15 years old, and no doubt will continue to soar.
Keep cream cheese refrigerated. Store in refrigerator with a temperature of 40º F or lower. To maintain its consistency, do not freeze cream cheese packed in plastic containers which are softer than foil-wrapped blocks. Keep the original packaging of foil-wrapped cream cheese refrigerated if still unopened.