Oysters have been in the cold, unspoiled waters of Ireland for over 5000 years. Ireland oysters (or Huitres D’Irlande), though not as widely known as their French counterparts, are one of the most consistent to come out of the Atlantic. They have a very balanced iodized flavor, sweet and succulent, with a tender, chewy texture.
Wonderful to eat fresh on their own, the Huitres D’Irlande is also great eaten with a squeeze of lemon. These Ireland oysters are perfect to pair with the classic Irish drink—Guinness!
Oysters are a well-known aphrodisiac, but their meat is even more nutritious than you think. Oysters are low in calories, but are packed with vitamins and minerals. For one, it’s rich in omega-3, and high in protein and unique antioxidants. It’s also a great source of Vitamin B12, which is important for blood cell formation, and for metabolism. It also has Iron, Zinc, and Vitamin D, which are all vital to immune health.
Store your box of fresh, unshucked oysters in your fridge, keeping the temperature between 0 to 5°C. Keep them covered with a damp cloth, flat side up, to increase shelf-life. To enjoy them at their freshest, please consume them within 48 hours.
When you’re ready to shuck your oysters, take a sharp knife (a vegetable knife or, ideally, an oyster shucking knife) and hold the oyster, round-side down and pointed side facing you, between a tea towel. Wiggle the knife into the pointy end and twist it until the shell comes open.