Sweetbreads, contrary to their name, are not bread. They are actually offal (the generic term for organ meat), and are usually the thymus gland, which is located in the throat of the animal, or sometimes, it is the pancreas gland.
As obscure as it may sound, they actually taste very delicious. In fact, veal sweetbreads are most commonly used by restaurant chefs. It ranks higher than lamb sweetbreads. It has a very smooth, tender texture, and a subtle, almost creamy, slightly sweet flavor.
It’s also nutrient-dense, high in Vitamin C which helps regulate blood pressure, and provides antioxidants. It’s also an excellent source of protein and omega-3.
The outside of veal sweetbreads gets crispy easily, and this meat is perfect with both rich and more acidic sauces. It’s a very versatile meat to cook, and you can have it breaded or not, sautéed, fried, braised, grilled, or roasted. Preparing them takes a while, but the steps are not overly complicated. And the payoff is delicious. Here’s a simple recipe:
Store in the refrigerator.