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Fresh Gariguette Strawberries from France

The French's favourite strawberry


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Incredibly fragrant and sweet with notes of wild strawberries, this is now the most loved and produced strawberry in France.

Tasting Notes from the Curator

Regarded as the best strawberries in France, Gariguette Strawberries have a clear long shape, a soft texture and a complex fragrance, and an intense, sweet/citrus, aromatic flavor. They are prized for their sweet and juicy flavor with a slight acidity.

Also knows as the strawberry queen of varieties it heralds spring, draped in its beautiful vermilion dress which reveals a melting and juicy flesh of both a sweet and sour taste, providing an extremely tasty personality.

Compared to local varieties here in the Philippines, Gariguette packs more citrusy flavors as they are closer to the variety of wild strawberries in France.

This variety of strawberries if grown in a very particular climate, which is simultaneously basked in oceanic and Mediterranean influences.

Recognized by enthusiasts thanks to its elongated tapered shape and red gourmand color color this variety is one of the gastronomical and economical gems, with an important reputation all over France.

Preparation or Pairings

These strawberries are best enjoyed on their own. Just rinse throughly and eat.

If you’re feeling a bit extra, why not have a go at making a Classic French Strawberry Tart also known as Tarte aux Fraises. Our curators love to relive the classic Pierre Hermé recipe!

Prized Ruby Gems

There are over 100 varieties of strawberries in the world, but nothing compares to the kind you will encounter at the market in France is called gariguette.

First grown in 1970 in the largest strawberry-production region in France: Lot-et-Garonne.

The production of these starwberries are so important that the the Association Interprofessionnelle de la Fraise (Interprofessional Strawberry Association) is located in the region.

The gariguette is the absolutely perfect and considered the legendary French strawberry created by those who know everything about strawberries.

Storage Instructions

These strawberries are air-flown from France. They are best enjoyed once they are delivered to you.

If you’d like your strawberries to last for up to 2 weeks more, you can consider using a vinegar bath. Fill a measuring cup with 1/4 cup vinegar and 1 1/2 cup of water. You may need more vinegar/water depending on how many strawberries you are planning to soak. Place the water/vinegar solution into a bowl or glass container. Let the berries soak for about five minutes. Place berries in a colander and rinse with water. Transfer the strawberries to a paper towel and let them dry. Line the container you plan to use for storage with a paper towel and place the strawberries inside. Make sure they are all dry. Cover the lid and label it with the date. Your strawberries should last up to two weeks.

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