A deeply complex, rich yet delicate sake wrapped in a beautiful aquamarine bottle, Kotsuzumi Rojoh Hana Ari Aoi is perfection in a bottle.
The nose offers up aromas of sweet pears, white peach and apples with creamy rice scents. The mouthfeel is silky and delicate. On the palate, Aoi exudes a soft pear tonality, full bodied billowing with delicate sweetness and umami flavours.
Premium quality sakes such as the Kotsuzumi Rojoh Hana Ari Aoi are best served chilled to preserve the delicate fruity aromas and flavours enhanced by a cooler temperature. Traditionally paired with lighter tasting dishes such as sushi and sashimi, Kotsuzumi Rojoh Hana Ari Aoi is also great served as an aperitif with our Kaviari Kristal Caviar, offering up a wonderful harmony between the saltiness of the caviar and the sweet fruitiness of the full-bodied Aoi. If you’re a cheese lover, try this sake with some blue cheese like our Fourme D’Ambert
Kotsuzumi Rojoh Hana Ari Aoi is truly the best of the best. A multi-awarded sake, Kotsuzumi Rojoh Hana Ari Aoi is the junmai daiginjo that has been graded the highest point among 216 sakes by the most influential wine critic and sommelier of our time, Robert M. Parker.
A distinction offered to only the highest quality sakes, Junmai Daiginjo showcases a level of craftsmanship and skill possessed by its creators. Daiginjo sakes are required to be made with grains polished to half their original weight. This allows proteins and fat to be milled from the Shinpaku (the starch center), stripping away undesirable bitterness and sourness, allowing for a cleaner and more refined flavour worthy of a premium sake.
Store unopened sake in your fridge ideally at 4°C. If you wish to drink your sake chilled, place it in the refrigerator the night before consumption. Opened bottles should always be kept refrigerated. If you later wish to drink your sake at room temperature, place the portion you want into a small pouring vessel and leave that out on the counter at least 3 hours before consumption. Generally, sake should be consumed within one year of the bottling date, but when properly stored, it can survive up to 2 years. An open bottle of sake must be consumed within 2 to 3 weeks.