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Flat Peaches from Spain

Juicy Delight, Nature's Sweetness


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Experience the unique taste and aroma of the Spanish Flat Peach, also known as Donut or Saturn Peach. This delectable fruit is renowned for its rich sweetness, juiciness and distinctive flat shape.

Tasting notes of the Curator

Spanish Flat Peach, often referred to as Donut or Saturn peach, has a distinctive shape that sets it apart from conventional peaches. It’s not just the shape that is intriguing but also its enticing flavor profile. These peaches exude an intense aroma that tantalizes senses even before they are tasted. The skin of the peach is thin and fuzzy, contrasting with its succulently juicy interior which brims with a sweetness that is both rich and delicate. The texture of the flesh is smooth and creamy, providing an enjoyable mouthfeel. This unique variety of peach possesses a distinctive depth of flavor - it’s simultaneously sweet yet subtly tangy, creating a delightful gastronomic experience.

Pairings and Suggestions

Flat Peaches are versatile in their usage. Here are some suggestions:

  • Enjoy Raw: Their natural sweetness makes them an excellent snack or dessert on their own.
  • Salads: Add slices to your salads for a sweet touch.
  • Baking: They can be used in baking pies, tarts or making jams.
  • Grilling: Try grilling them for a smoky-sweet dish.

A Conversation about Saturn’s Rings

The Spanish Flat Peach gets its alternative name ‘Saturn peach’ from its peculiar flat shape resembling the rings of the planet Saturn. This characteristic shape results from a genetic mutation but brings no difference in quality - in fact, many connoisseurs claim that these peaches are sweeter than their traditional counterparts!

Storage Instructions

Store these peaches at room temperature until ripe. Once ripe, they can be refrigerated to extend their shelf life but consume within 2-3 days for optimal taste.